Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Products and Layouts

Big, wild apologies for the lag in posting. December has been full of studio shooting. November, too. It's been two months in the studio and very little shooting of life or people or the world.

Couple with that the fact that I got an iphone (!) over Thanksgiving. Which means I've been delinquent about carrying my D7000 with me. And instead have been shooting a bit of instagram when out and about. (Follow me! - cdenizen)

I really attempted to shoot these with a focus on advertising, layout and styling for the kind of publications I'm excited about, whose sensibilities meld with my own and whose merchandise I could photograph with some excitement.

blue suede Nine West pump
Baked and Wired cupcake
orange leather belt
note cards

1 comment:

  1. These turned out great Caitlin! Love the cupcake one!
